Last competition MA151, bagged the first prize and we're the champions of the cheers and chants competition and this time we are set for another competition that will truly challenge our young minds and test our camaraderie.
And boy we were tested alright. This speech choir competition came along with our ignite project, campaign project, movie/book report, and some tests. We literally crammed this speech choir, we seriously thought that we had no chance of winning.
During the contest we we're thinking that we just want to get this competition done and over with. The first contestant was ACA 151 and they we're so good, they set the bar so high we thought we had no chance of winning anymore. But after, the long wait we won the 1st Runner up title. :D WEEEEEE
In between the speech choir contestants we're the Ignite speaker, like the Public speaking the public speaking 1 professors chose a representative for the class. The chosen representative for MA 151 (AMAZING) is Jelee Llaneras, in our class she delivered her speech and it brought a lot of people to tears. I was one of those who cried during her speech because I really related on how she felt. Her words hit right at home.
Anyways, a big YAAAAY for this term. and congratulations to everyone who won :D